"Little Nemo in Slumberland" by Winsor McCay is a collection of weekly comic strips that follow the character it is named after throughout different fantastical adventures.
One of the first things I noticed while reading these comic strips, was the way in which images and panels were used to enhance the story. I liked how in most comic the very first panel was used as a title. This way, the story is introduced with a long panel, which sets as in a place and time, with an image, and also uses type, which creates a cinematic feeling to it.
The second thing that stood out to me is that at the end of every episode, Little Nemo wakes back to reality. McCay uses the same frame of the kid falling out of bed and waking up every single time. That is why I think it is very interesting to see all these comic strips one next to each other because it shows how the author thought about the great variety of things a child can imagine. Every comic has a different plot, location, and characters, but also the way in which the stories are told is very different. But, what unites them is the way they all end.
For the revision of this assignment, I decided to read Charlie Brown by Charles Schulz and add it on to the existing blog post. I have to say I have never read a Charlie Brown Comic and it came as quite a shock to me that the characters here really don't resemble their animated counterparts, except for Snoopy. I really enjoyed reading the comic strips they made me chuckle, clean wholesome family comedy. I think the artwork is clean (for the most part) I think the character design is simple and elegant.
One of the first things I noticed while reading these comic strips, was the way in which images and panels were used to enhance the story. I liked how in most comic the very first panel was used as a title. This way, the story is introduced with a long panel, which sets as in a place and time, with an image, and also uses type, which creates a cinematic feeling to it.
The second thing that stood out to me is that at the end of every episode, Little Nemo wakes back to reality. McCay uses the same frame of the kid falling out of bed and waking up every single time. That is why I think it is very interesting to see all these comic strips one next to each other because it shows how the author thought about the great variety of things a child can imagine. Every comic has a different plot, location, and characters, but also the way in which the stories are told is very different. But, what unites them is the way they all end.
For the revision of this assignment, I decided to read Charlie Brown by Charles Schulz and add it on to the existing blog post. I have to say I have never read a Charlie Brown Comic and it came as quite a shock to me that the characters here really don't resemble their animated counterparts, except for Snoopy. I really enjoyed reading the comic strips they made me chuckle, clean wholesome family comedy. I think the artwork is clean (for the most part) I think the character design is simple and elegant.
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