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lmst340-Assignment Ten "Manga"

For this assigned reading I decided to read Ranma. When I first started reading this comic, there were parts where I had to go back and read twice and even three times, because the gimmick in this comic is that Ranma is a boy who can turn into a woman whenever he/she gets wet. As well as Ranma there is his father, he transforms into a panda whenever he gets wet.  I think the concept is executed in a way that really works. I think the dynamic between Ranma and the three girls he lives with is something that I wish was explored further, instead they keep coming back to some jock in the school who likes both Ranma in his girl form and one of the girls Renma lives with. I really enjoyed the subtle hints through the comic of how Ranma was starting to also fall for the same girl the jock was after.

The art style was very clean and exaggerated. I of crouse loved the fact that it was in black and white, the contrast really works well for the action that is happening in the comic. I think the writing was well done as far as the dialogue but as far as the story as I already mentioned I wish they focused more on the relationship between Renam and the girls.


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