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lmst340-Assignment Four "The Comic Book"

When reading Action Comics #1 I really liked the way they used the space on the page, the layout of the panels and the variety of the sizes for the panels really help the flow of how I read the stories.

Speaking specifically about Superman, I enjoyed the way they introduced Superman and the way they clearly laid out all the groundwork for what he was to become and what he is. From simple things like the panel stating "A scientific explanation of Clark Kent's amazing strength" or his showmanship on panels 60 through panel 70.  As well as the basis for the costume and secret identity of our beloved superhero.

Something I also found interesting is the difference between the Superman artwork, very colorful and alive. Using distinct colors for the foreground, background, and details and then reading the Chuck Dawson which did not have any color, it seemed like it was harder for them to make that distinction between foreground and background and opted to use a lot of empty space in their panels. It was definitely a "shock" to my senses to go from full color to just black and maybe a little bit of grey and had to really focus to make out the things happening on the frame.


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