Maus by Art Spiegelman is a great graphic novel detailing the relationship between a son and a father, the journey of a Jewish man during the second world war and the horrible crimes committed by the Nazis. It manages to tell all of these stories in such a human and compelling way while also using mice as Jews, Cats as Nazis and pigs as the polish people. I most definitely think that this anthropomorphization of the animals reflects on how the different parties, Jews, Nazis, Poles all saw each other through the war, not as humans but as different species. Something else that really stood out to me was the artwork from this graphic novel. It really surprised me that there was so much detail in every single panel, while also remaining very simple and straightforward to understand. From simple things like drawing characters face with a line on the profile to make it seem like they are worried about something or someone, to important details like the armbands they used to identify jews dra...